The Story of Sweet Pea

Sweet Pea Ranch is nestled in a valley along the banks of the Sapello River where it has stood in various forms, under various names, since the 1850’s. Or so we have been told. There are many stories of its past lives, but what we know for sure is that it was originally built as a stagecoach stop along the Santa Fe Trail with the original structure serving as a chapel, general store, post office, dentist office, and blacksmith shop where weary travelers could rest along this historically treacherous route. It is located just 15 miles north of Las Vegas, an important railroad town during the late 1800’s and backdrop to many salacious tales involving such Southwestern characters as Billy the Kid and Doc Holiday. In 1900, a well-known German merchant and sheep rancher, Henry Goeke, converted the hacienda from a stagecoach stop into a home. Mr. Goeke was responsible for the development of many businesses and banks in northeastern New Mexico in the early 1900’s. In 1928, the ranch was purchased by the Arrott family, founders of American Standard Plumbing. They lived here longest and arguably loved it most, turning the property into a permanent residence in the 1940’s, sharing it with the community, and updating the old triple-walled adobe hacienda with art deco American Standard fixtures. The hacienda is where Mr. Arrott wrote an important history of the nearby Fort Union. The property eventually passed through the hands of a few Texas ranching and real estate families who used it as a part-time residence before it was found, quite accidentally, by Jenna and Jeremy who had no intention of moving permanently to New Mexico - until they stumbled upon the Pea. Like many before them, they were stunned by the history, solitude, and magic the ranch exudes.

The property is comprised of 560 acres of mixed Ponderosa pine and oak forest, irrigated hay meadows, includes nearly one mile of Sapello river frontage hugged with willow and cottonwood, and overlooks a spring fed pond shaded by apple and aspen, that was thoughtfully built with mountain stone by the Arrott family. The original barns and paddocks built for horses still remain, but are now filled with the dairy goats brought from Texas, remnants of Jenna’s cheese making business. These ladies of leisure spend their days eating fallen apples from the abundant orchards sprinkled throughout the ranch grounds along with wild mint, alfalfa, and sweet peas that vine along the river’s edge and inspired the ranch name. The property also includes two log cabins, one of which dates to the late 1800’s, and a larger, newer cabin that overlooks the entire ranch and is available to guests for short stays. Sweet Pea was host to the likes of Georgia O’Keefe, King Charles of England, and was the location for annual Rough Rider reunions for many years. It is a treasured piece of New Mexican history and played a role in the story of the Southwest. Definitely haunted, absolutely gorgeous, we are thrilled to finally share the history and beauty of Sweet Pea Ranch.


Sapello, NM